Friday, November 6, 2009

Exciting News about Library plans!

Carson City officials gave the Office of Business Development the nod Thursday to participate with the Carson Nugget in developing a detailed plan for nearly nine acres of downtown property as a civic and business city center.

The public-private partnership would feature a new central library in the downtown center and a business and technology center. The project could create a central heart in downtown Carson City. The centerpiece could be a knowledge and discovery library, the other buildings could:
  • House new non-gaming, non-service based industries
  • Serve workers in high-paying jobs
  • Provide in-town loft and townhouse residences
  • Offer a large plaza with recreational, cultural and arts programs

From November 6, 2009 Nevada Appeal


The Knowledge and Discovery Library (aka the Carson City Library!)

The Knowledge and Discovery Library (KDL) will serve as the central community gathering place offering a gateway to knowledge and avenues of discovery including information, research, technology, learning, entertainment and civic engagement. A central mission of the KDL will be to reinvigorate a commitment to the future of Carson City by investing in resources that support and grow business in the region.

The Transformative Power of a Library to Redefine Learning, Community,
and Economic Development
Evidence comes from projects all over the country… Seattle; Denver; Salt Lake; Moab, Utah; Cheyenne, Wyoming and Rockville, Maryland. Communities with new downtown libraries experience:

Economic Vitality

Nearby businesses report increases in spending associated with visitors to the Library. Increases in the use of Library resources contributes to learning, literacy, business productivity, personal
and professional development, and individual livelihood.

Image and Identity

The Library attracts knowledge workers and the business sectors which desire ready access to this workforce. The Library contributes to a sense of pride and community.

Community Character and Livability

The Library functions as a public space, increasing the livability of Downtown. The increased number of Library visitors contributes to Downtown vitality and vibrancy, making it a more attractive residential and commercial market.

Why is an anchor institution important to the project?
Connected Nation conducted surveys to better understand the role of libraries as a community technology hub. In brief, the findings indicate that libraries are vital in filling an access void in local communities where the library is most often the only source of free Internet availability.
As part of the strategy for broadband adoption, anchor institutions hold the key…. Libraries especially hold promise in this area because they already are a central point within communities for people who want to use the Net to do research or hunt for jobs.

For more details about the project:
Keep posted to this blog or website above for news at it develops and please make comments about the project!